Project Description

City of West Hollywood California

"The city of West Hollywood describes itself as a local municipality with creative and progressive values. After having a successful run with their previous design, they were looking forward to an update that was cutting edge and dynamic."
- Excerpt From West Hollywood

I had the chance to go on location and meet with the team. They flooded me with descriptions like vibrant, colorful, and modern. I was super excited to think outside the box and break the government mold. Learn more about the City of West Hollywood by visiting their website.


Visual Designer


Invision App

Visual Concepts

It was very important to reflect the vibrancy of the City's creative character. My initial concepts contained a variation of color. Rainbows were a consistent idea. The aim was to make the mood and feel more adult. The City was on board and mentioned that the look & feel should be "more cosmo & less kindergarten." I couldn't agree more.


Final UI Design

The city of West Hollywood went through a major makeover. The layout was decluttered by separating sections of the site which increased site scannability. Each section fills the screen and gives users an isolated focus on each section. I was very methodical about the parallax movement of the site. While the site has many bells and whistles, I wanted the movement to tell a story while keeping the focus on the content. I worked closely with the development team to ensure the success of the animation timing. The previous version of the site had no real purpose for the color used or design elements involved. Post redesign, color is used purposefully. The color and vibrancy of the site work with the content by providing strong contrast backgrounds that push content to the forefront thus signifying its importance. The site is bold, colorful, dynamic, creative, and represents the city well while hitting stakeholder goals.



West Hollywood has won a couple of awards that recognize the new site for its design, performance, flexibility, accessibility standards, interactivity, and much more. I’m happy to be a part of these huge accomplishments. Feel free to explore and learn more about the Pinnacle & Member’s Choice Awards listed below.

NAGW Pinnacle Award
NAGW - National Association of Government Web Professionals
Oct 2018
NAGW Member's Choice Award
NAGW - National Association of Government Web Professionals
Oct 2018


City of West Hollywood, CA

Project Details

Skills Needed:



Web Design


West Hollywood, CA

Project Date:
